Friday 11/8/19
Open Workout 20.5 For time, partitioned any way: 40 muscle-ups(Pull-ups, Jumping Pull-ups) 80-cal. row 120 wall-ball shots (20/14)(14/10 Time cap: 20 minutes
Thursday 11/7/19
STRENGTH Sumo Deadlift: 8 x 3 @65% of 1RM from 10/21, every 60s. CONDITIONING "Snatch Balls" AMRAP 7: 7 Power Snatch (95, 65) 10 Wall balls (20, 15) L3: (75, 55) L2: (65, 45) (14, 10) L1: (55, 35) (10, 8)
Wednesday 11/6/19
CONDITIONING AMRAP 25 with a partner: 100 Double Unders 80 Calorie Row 60 Burpees 40 Walking BW Lunges 20 C2B Pull-ups *One person works at a time - split as desired. L3: (Pull-ups) L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) L1: (1-Arm DB Rows x 10 each arm) Alternate Option for...
Tuesday 11/5/19
STRENGTH 1a) Slight Decline DB Bench Press: 2/5 x 10. Rest 30s. 1b) Inverted Rows: 2/5 x 15. Rest 30s. CONDITIONING For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 S20H (135, 95) Box Jumps w. a step down (24, 20) T2B L3: (115, 75) L2: (95, 65) (20, 15) (Knee Lifts) L1: (75, 55)...
Monday 11/4/19
STRENGTH Front Squat: 2RM in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING "Simple Man" For time: 15-10-5 Power Cleans (155, 105) Front Squat (155, 105) L3: (135, 95) L2: (115, 75) L1: (95, 65) 8:00 Cap
Friday 11/1/19
Open Workout 20.4 For time: 30 box jumps 15 clean and jerks, 65 | 95 lb.(65/35) 30 box jumps 15 clean and jerks, 85 | 135 lb.(95/55) 30 box jumps 10 clean and jerks, 115 | 185 lb.(115/75 30 single-leg squats(scaled: Med Ball Step-ups 20/14) 10 clean and jerks, 145 |...
Thursday 10/31/19
STRENGTH Power Snatch: 10 x 2, adding weight if form permits. Rest 90s. CONDITIONING "Nor'easter" AMRAP 15: 5 Power Snatches (115, 75) 10 T2B 15 Wall balls (20, 14 Rx+:(135, 95) L3: (95, 65) L2: (75, 55) (Knee Lifts) (14, 10) L1: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts) (10, 8)
Wednesday 10/30/19
CONDITIONING 3 RFT w. a partner: 1k Row 800 Meter Run 100 Double Unders *One person works at a time - split as desired. 30:00 Cap L2: (Double Under Attempts) L1: (Single Unders)
Tuesday 10/29/19
STRENGTH 1a) Slight Decline DB Bench Press: 2/4 x 10. Rest 30s. 1b) Inverted Rows: 2/4 x 15. Rest 30s. CONDITIONING 15 Min AMRAP 200 Ft. Unilateral Carry(heavy) 10 Strict Pull-ups 5 Strict Ring Dips L3: (5 Strict Pull-ups per round) (Band Assisted Dips) L2: (Strict...
Monday 10/28/19
STRENGTH Front Squat: 3RM in 7 sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING 3 SETS FOR REPS 1:30 Max Cal Row or Bike 1:30 Max Wall Balls 1:30 Max Russian KB Swing (70/53)|(5335) 1:30 Max Double Unders
Friday 10/25/19
WORKOUT 20.3 For time: 21 deadlifts, 225/155 21 handstand push-ups 15 deadlifts, 225/155 15 handstand push-ups 9 deadlifts, 225/155 9 handstand push-ups 21 deadlifts, 315/205 50-ft. handstand walk 15 deadlifts, 315/205 50-ft. handstand walk 9 deadlifts, 315/205 50-ft....
Thursday 10/24/19
STRENGTH Back Squat: Build to a HEAVY but perfect set of 3 over the course of 8 sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift (225, 155) Bar Facing Burpees L3: (185, 125) L2: (155, 105) L1: (135, 95) (Regular Burpees) 8:00 Time Cap