Daily Workout

All of the Clipper City CrossFit WODs in one place!

Tuesday 11/26/19

SKILL ON A 8:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Practice Double Unders During this time athletes should also be building up barbells for the clean. WORKOUT E2MOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 - Max Double Unders MIN 3 & 4 - Max Power Cleans (Athlete Choice, AHAP)* *Power Cleans are...

Monday 11/25/19

STRENGTH 3x5* Push Press * Set 1 - 65% x 5 Set 2 - 75% x 5 Set 3 - 85% x 5+ 5+ means athlete performs max reps at that weight with the goal of at least 5. WORKOUT FOR TIME * 30-20-10 Cal Row Handstand Push-Up or DB Push Press (45/30)|(30/15) *10 Toe 2 Bar after every...

Friday 11/22/19

STRENGTH Push Press: 1RM in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING AMRAP 15 of KB Complex: 20 KBS (53, 35) 20 1-Arm KB Push Press - 10 each arm 20 KB Rows - 10 each arm 2 Turkish Get-ups - each side Rest as needed between rounds L3: (45, 30) L2: (35, 25) L1: (25,...

Thursday 11/21/19

STRENGTH Sumo Deadlift 3/6 x 3 @80% of 1RM from 10/21, every 60s. Metcon 20 AMRAP 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35) 12 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (53/35) :30 sec Plank L3: (35/25) L2: (25/18) L1: Bodyweight Lunges

Wednesday 11/20/19

STRENGTH Gymnastics Skill - Week #2 EMOM 10: ODD Minutes: 30s of Handstands EVEN Minutes: 10 Hollow Rocks + 30 Single Unders CONDITIONING For time: 1 Mile Run Then, 5 Rounds of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) (Box Push-ups) L1: (800m...

Tuesday 11/19/19

STRENGTH 1) Weighted Strict Pull-ups: 2/5 x 6. Rest 60s. - Rx+ - Band Resisted Pull-ups - RX - Weighted - Bodyweight CONDITIONING AMRAP 18: 21 Calorie Row 15 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20) 9 T2B 21 Overhead Squats (95, 65) Rest 60s after each completed round. L3:...

Monday 11/18/19

STRENGTH Front Squat: 1RM in 10 Sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING "DT" 5 RFT: 12 Deadlifts (155, 105) 9 Hang Power Cleans (155, 105) 6 Push Jerk (155, 105) L3: (135, 95) L2: (115, 75) L1: (95, 65) 16:00 Cap

Friday 11/15/19

STRENGTH Push Press: 2RM in 9 sets. Rest 2:00 CONDITIONING 2 RFT: 150 Double Unders 75 Calorie Row or 50 Calorie Bike 50 DB Push Press (50, 35) L3: (100 Double Unders) (45, 30) L2: (75 Double Under Attempts) (35, 25) L1: (100 Single Unders) (30 DB Push Press per round...

Thursday 11/14/19

STRENGTH Sumo Deadlift: 3/8 x 3 @75% of 1RM from 10/21, every 60s CONDITIONING For time: 50 Burpees 100 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (53, 35) (total reps between both legs) L3: (45, 30) L2: (35 25) L1: (Bodyweight Walking Lunges or light DBs by their side)...

Wednesday 11/13/19

STRENGTH Gymnastics Skill - Week #1 EMOM 10: ODD Minutes: 30s of T2B EVEN Minutes: 40s Single Unders CONDITIONING AMRAP 8: 5 Bar Facing Burpees 10 Hang Power Snatch (75, 55) 15 Overhead Squat (75, 55) Rest 2:00 AMRAP 8: 5 Bar Facing Burpees 10 T2B 15 SDHP (53,35)...

Tuesday 11/12/19

STRENGTH 1a) Slight Decline DB Bench Press: 2/4 x 10. Rest 30s. 1b) Symmetrical Stance 1-Arm DB Rows - pronated grip: 2/4 x 15 each. Rest 30s. CONDITIONING Every 4:00 x 5 sets: 100 Ft. Front Rack KB Carry 10 Double KB Clean + Press (53s, 35s) 100 Ft. Front Rack KB...

Monday 11/11/19

CONDITIONING "Hot Shots 19" 6 RFT: 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans (135, 95) 7 Strict Pull-ups 400 Meter Run L3: (115, 75) (5 Strict Pull-ups per round) L2: (95, 65) (7 Band Assisted Pull-ups per round) L1: (75, 55) (10 Ring Rows per round) *No time cap Nineteen City of...