by clippercitycf | Aug 7, 2019 | News and Events
It is quickly approaching, the day Clippers hit the river, float, sip some libations, and soak in some WV sun. As usual, we will be car pooling to the Adventure center, floating, and then headed for some Black Hog BBQ. All friends and family are welcome to join,...
by clippercitycf | Jul 11, 2019 | News and Events, Nutrition
What’s the #800gChallenge®? A simple way to measure quality in the diet. Eat 800 grams (by weight) of fruits and vegetables per day. No other foods are eliminated in the challenge. Eat the macros you want. Eat the fruits or veggies you like. Challenge dates are July...
by clippercitycf | Jul 9, 2019 | News and Events, Nutrition
JOIN THE #800gCHALLENGE® WHAT IS IT? The #800gChallenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition. Eat 800 grams (g) of fruits and/or vegetables, by weight, per day. No foods are eliminated, but only fruits and veggies count toward the 800g. Eat the fruits and veggies or...
by clippercitycf | Jun 14, 2019 | News and Events
Dont forget Crew. Tomorrow is Pride parade Meet up starting at 11:30. Parade starts at 1pm Dress festive. And be ready to pull some sleds. No 10am class Just 9am class.
by clippercitycf | Sep 4, 2018 | News and Events
Clipper City CrossFit is moving to Remington this Saturday Sept 8th. No classes. Classes will commence that following Wednesday.
by clippercitycf | Jan 4, 2018 | News and Events
Sunday Jan 7th 9AM-11AM All women are welcome to join us at Clipper City CrossFit to learn and practice self-defense through Systema. Certified Systema instructor Gabriel Pickus will help you develop the skill and...