Daily Workout

All of the Clipper City CrossFit WODs in one place!

New Restrictions 12/11/20

Dear Clippers, Baltimore City has modified the restrictions placed on gyms. Starting Friday Dec 11th, Gyms are allowed 25% capacity and individual training only. We already operate under 25% capacity. No change there. So, until further notice, all class times will be...

Indoor reopening

Good Day Clippers! **To ensure a smooth transition in the new phase of reopening, PLEASE read these new procedures carefully. We realize this is a lot of information, but your health and safety are our main priority** We will be reopening indoor classes beginning...

Clipper City Build Better Habits

Clipper City Build Better Habits

Welcome to Clipper City Build Better Habits The Build Better Habits Nutrition Program is a 6 week program designed to help maintain and develop habits you've worked to develop within the gym, including Nutrition, Fitness, Recovery, and Sleep. Starts tomorrow! But...

Update on At-Home Programming

Hey Clipper Fam, Starting tomorrow, there will be two different At-Home workouts posted on SugarWOD. 1st: Will be a workout including DBs and/or KBS. 2nd: Will be the Backpack workouts we have been doing. The virtual & park WODS will continue to be the Backpack...

Sunday 3/8/20

WORKOUT 3 SETS 8 Power Snatch (95/65)|(65/45) 10 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups -Rest 1:00- 2 SETS 10 Power Snatch (135/95)|(95/65) 15 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups -Rest 1:00- 1 SET 12 Power Snatch (155/105)|(115/75) 30 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups (Score is Total Time)

Saturday 3/7/20

PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2... FOR TIME* 100 Cal Row 100 Pull-Ups 30 Front Squat (185/125)|(135/95) 50 Pull-Ups 50 Cal Row 30 Front Squat *P1 works while P2 rests. Workout must be completed in order. Split reps any way. Front Squat comes from the ground. C2B is...

Friday 3/6/20

EXTENDED WARM-UP ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build Quickly to Heavy Single Power Clean & Jerk* *Building should take you up to or past your weight in the workout. (Score is Load) NCFIT BENCHMARK WORKOUT "THE CALI BEAR" EVERY :30 FOR 20 MINUTES 1 Power Clean &...

Thursday 3/5/20

WORKOUT 5 SETS 20/15 Cal Bike 25 Russian KB Swing (70/53)|(53/35) 20 Box Step-Ups (24/20)* -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- *No jump. Fast as possible step-up and down with full extension at the top. Vest or plate optional. (Score is Each Set for Time) FINISHER 3 SETS 30 Weighted...

Wednesday 3/4/20

SKILL ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Practice Strict Ring Muscle-Up Skill or Strict False Grip Ring Row (No Measure) WORKOUT E2MOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 - 400m Run MIN 3 & 4 - 15 Burpees Then Max Muscle-Ups or Strict Pull-ups* *Muscle-Ups can be ring or bar...

Tuesday 3/3/20

STRENGTH FOR LOAD 10RM Back Squat (Score is Load) WORKOUT 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME 75 Double Unders 15 Hang Squat Clean (95/65)|(65/45) -11:00 Hard Cap- (Score is Time)

Monday 3/2/20

WORKOUT "DOUBLE AMRAP" AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Row 10 HSPU 10 Renegade Rows (35/20)|(20/10)* -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Row 10 HSPU 10 Renegade Rows (35/20)|(20/10)* *Renegade Row = Row L + Row R + Push-Up (Score is Rounds + Reps) COOL DOWN FOR...