Sunday 2/16/20
AMRAP x 18 MINUTES 15 KB Sumo DL High Pull (70/53)|(53/35) 12 Toes 2 Bar(Knee Raises)(Sit-ups) 9 Ring Row or Strict Pull-Up 200m Med Ball Run (20/14)|(14/10)
Saturday 2/15/20
PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2... FOR TIME 100 Reps of "Bear Complex" (135/95)|(95/65)* *1 Rep of Bear Complex is... 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Back Squat (or Front Squat) 1 Push Press *P1 works while P2 rests. Athletes can switch as or...
Friday 2/14/20
SKILL ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Practice Your Handstand Push-Ups* *Different Drills Depending on Level: Intro - Box HS Push-Up, HS Hold, or HS Negs Intermediate - Strict or Kipping in Small Sets Advanced - Deficit Strict or Kipping for Reps "LOVE LOSS" EVERY 4:00...
Thursday 2/13/20
WORKOUT AMRAP x 35 MINUTES 400m Run 500m Row 20 Cal Bike 20 Perfect Push-Ups 30 Sit-Ups 40 Walking Lunges 1:00 Athlete Choice* *Athlete Choice (can pick one or mix it up!)... Hollow Hold or Rocks Plank Hold or Plank Shoulder Taps Deadbugs Quad Heel Touches Sit-Thrus...
Wednesday 2/12/20
WORKOUT AMRAP x 7 MINUTES 1-2-3-4...and so on Bar Muscle-Ups 2-4-6-8..and so on Hang Power Clean (155/105)|(115/75) -Rest 3:00- AMRAP x 5 MINUTES Pick-Up Where You Left Off! (Score is Rounds + Reps) FINISHER 3 SETS 30 MB Russian Twists or 15/15 Side Throws 20 Weighted...
Tuesday 2/11/20
STRENGTH 5 SETS* 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk *Start moderate-light and build to moderate-heavy set with perfect mechanics. Bar can come from the rack or the floor. WORKOUT EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 - MIN 1 - 7 Push Press then Max Push Jerks Until :50...
Monday 2/10/20
STRENGTH ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to Heavy 5-Rep Deadlift WORKOUT "CHRISTINE" 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 500m Row 12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)* 21 Box Jumps (20") *BW DL should be considered relatively light and done unbroken. COOLDOWN 2 Rounds 10 Inch Worms :30 Iron...
Sunday 2/9/20
WORKOUT AMRAP X 20 MINUTES* 2 Muscle-Ups 4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 Alt. DB Hang Snatch (Athlete Choice, Heavy) *DB SNATCHING NATE -- Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and...
Saturday 2/8/20
PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 3... 2 SETS x 3 MINUTES @ EACH STATION* STATION 1 -- Back Squat (185/125)|(135/95)(115/75)** STATION 2 -- Cal Bike STATION 3 -- Toe to Bar STATION 4 -- Rest *Fight Gone Bad Style. P1 starts on Station 1 / P2 on S2 / P3 on S3 and rotates...
Friday 2/7/20
SKILL 3 SETS* 2:00 Max Distance HS Walk or Slow Quadruped Crawl -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- WORKOUT "DEATH ROW" EMOM x 20 MINUTES* MIN 1 -- 20/15 Cal Row MIN 2 -- 15 Burpees *Scale as needed to accomplish the work in each minute in :50-:45 or less.
Thursday 2/6/20
WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 12 C2B(Pull-ups/banded)(Ring Rows) 25 Hang Muscle Snatch (75/55)|(45/35) 75 Double Under(150 singles) FINISHER 3 SETS* 20 Banded Face Pulls 20 Banded Tricep Pull Down 20 Alt. V-Ups *All sets should be performed with a light or moderate...
Wednesday 2/5/20
STRENGTH 1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat* *Start moderate-heavy and build to heaviest single rep. WORKOUT 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 400m Run 15 Front Squat (135/95)|(95/65)(75/55) -12:00 Hard Cap- COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 3:00 Recovery Pace Bike 3:00 Foam Rolling Upper Back /...