Daily Workout

All of the Clipper City CrossFit WODs in one place!

Tuesday 2/4/20

WORKOUT DEATH BY (7:00 CAP).... 6 Russian KB Swings (70/53)|(53/35)(35/25) Reps increase by 6 every minute. 6-12-18...and so on -Rest 3:00- DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)... 5 Up-Down Box Jump Over (20) Reps increase by 5 every minute. 5-10-15...and so on -Rest 3:00- DEATH BY...

Monday 2/3/20

STRENGTH 1-1-1-1-1 Strict Press* *Start moderate-heavy and build to heaviest single rep. WORKOUT FOR TIME 40-30-20 Cal Row 12-12-12 DB Strict Press (Athlete Choice, Heavy) 30-30-30 Sit-Ups

Sunday 2/2/20

WORKOUT AMRAP x 20 MINUTES 40 Single DB Front Squat (50/35)|(35/20) 30 Sit-Ups 20 Alt. DB Snatch 10 Alt. Single DB Burpee

Saturday 2/1/20

PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2... FOR TIME 60 Cal Row 60 Pull-Ups 40 Deadlift (275/185)|(185/125) 200 Double Unders 60 Cal Row 200 Double Unders 40 Deadlift 60 Pull-Ups 60 Cal Row *P1 works while P2 rests. Switch every 10 or 15 cal on the rows. Workout must be complete...

Friday 1/31/20

STRENGTH 3-3-3-3-3 Strict Press* *Start moderate and build to heaviest set of 3. WORKOUT 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME 15 Push Press (115/75)|(75/55) 25 Box Jump (24/20) -Rest 1:00- FOR TIME 30 Push Press (115/75)|(75/55) 50 Box Jumps (24/20)

Thursday 1/30/20

EXTENDED WARM-UP 3 SETS 50' Slow Table-Top Bear Crawl (aka Quadruped)* *5 Strict-Up Downs after each set. 1 Rep of Strict Up-Down is... 1 Air Squat Down 1 Sprawl Back to Plank :01 Pause in Plank 1 Sprawl Up to Squat 1 Air Squat Up WORKOUT 5 SETS* 20 DB Deadlift...

Wednesday 1/29/20

WORKOUT EMOM x 18 MINUTES MIN 1 - 3 Hang Power Snatch (Building) MIN 2 - 9, 12, or 15 Toes to Bar MIN 3 - 9, 12, or 15 Hand Release Push-Ups FINISHER 3 SETS 12 Barbell Bent Over Rows (Moderate) 1:00 Hollow Flutter Kicks

Tuesday 1/28/20

STRENGTH 3-3-3-3-3 Back Squat* WORKOUT 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 13 Back Squats (155/105)|(115/75)* 350/300 Row *Squat can come from ground or rack. OPTIONAL COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 2:30 Foam Rolling Quad / IT (L) 2:30 Foam Rolling Quad / IT (R)

Monday 1/27/20

SKILL ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK Slowly Drill and then Practice Low Ring Transitions or Jumping Transitions for Ring Muscle-Up "UPPERCUT" ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 20 Ring Muscle-Ups(C2B)(Pull-up)(Negatives) Then in the remaining time... 2 ROUNDS 7 Power Cleans...

Sunday 1/26/20

WORKOUT EMOM x 25 MINUTES MIN 1 - 12/10 Cal Bike MIN 2 - 20 Alt. V-Ups MIN 3 - 15 KB Sumo DL High Pull (70/53)|(53/35) MIN 4 - 20 KB Goblet Step-Back Lunges MIN 5 - :45 Max KB Plank Touches* *KB placed arm's distance in front of plank hold, alternate arms each...

Saturday 1/25/20

PARTNER WORKOUT IN TEAMS OF 2... FOR TIME* 120 Thrusters (135/95)|(95/65) 120 Up-Downs *P1 works while P2 rests. Reps can be broken up and completed in any order. COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 3:00 Slow Bike, Row or Walk 3:00 Foam Rolling Quads 3:00 Foam Rolling Upper...

Friday 1/24/20

WORKOUT I. ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Run 1 Mile then in Remaining Time Max Meters on Rower (Score is Meters. Also Note Mile Time) -Rest as Needed*- II. AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 6 Strict Pull-ups 12 Hand Release Push-ups 18 Sit-ups