We are scheduling this work a day late having been closed on 9/11/18. We will honor all that sacrificed and were lost on 9/11/01.

For time:
2001m Row
11 Squat Cleans (155, 105)
11 Strict Pull-ups
11 Thrusters (155, 105)
11 Strict Pull-ups
11 Front Squats (155, 105)
11 S20H (155, 105)
11 Burpee Box Jumps (30, 24)
11 Squat Cleans
11 Strict Pull-ups
2001m Row
*No time Cap

L3: (135, 95) (24, 20)
L2: (115, 75) (Band Assisted Strict Pull-ups) (20, 15)
L1: (1200m Rows) (Coaches choice of Barbell Weight) (Ring Rows) (Burpees no Box)