A) Warm-up
5:00 Dynamic Circle then w. a barbell/medball:
5 Shoulder Press
5 BB Barbell Rows
10 Wallballs
25 Banded Pushdowns
*Add weight + Repeat

B) Mobility
Lax Ball x 30s each in:
– Pecs
– Scapular
– Tricep

C) Strength
1) Shoulder Press: 1RM. Rest 2:00
– Take 8-10 sets – Beg: 5 x 5, adding.
*Compare to Month 1/Week 1
2) Barbell Rows: 4 x 10. Rest 60-90s.

D) Conditioning
For time:
Run 400 Meters
21 Wallballs (20, 14)
21 Burpees
Run 400 Meters
15 Wallballs
15 Burpees
Run 400 meters
9 Wallballs
9 Burpees
L2: (14, 10) L1: (10, 8) (Reps of 15-12-9)
20:00 Cap
Alternative: – Running: Sub 500 Meter Row per set
*Compare to Month 2/Week 4.

E) Extra Credit
50 KB Tricep Extensions
50 Side Bends each.