A) Warm-up
Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up
B) Mobility + Activation Circuit, 5:00
1a) High to Low Plank x 10 passes
1b) Shoulder Taps x 20 (alternating)
1c) Banded Lat Stretch x 20s each
x 2 rounds
C) Gymnastics Skill + Gymnastics Static Hold
*Spend 10:00 teaching people the kip
EMOM 10:
ODD Minutes: 20s Kipping.
Adv: T2B, Butterfly Pull-up
EVEN Minutes: 20s L-Sit or L-Hold
Adv: HS Walking
D) Conditioning
“Last Minute”
4 RFT:
Run 400 Meters
50 Double Unders
25 KBS (53, 35)
L3: (45, 25)
L2: (35, 25) (60s of Double Under Attempts)
L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) (75 Single Unders)
20:00 Cap
E) Extra Credit
Banded Anti-rotation Chop: 3 x 8-10 ea. Rest 60s.