“12 DAYS OF Christmas”
Day 1 – 100m Run
Day 2 – Power Clean (185/125)|(135/95)(115/75)
Day 3 – Burpees to a Plate
Day 4 – DB Push Press (50/35)|(35/20)(20/10)
Day 5 – Toes to Bar
Day 6 – Hand Release Push-ups
Day 7 – Plate Ground to OH (45/35)|(35/25)(25/15)
Day 8 – Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)(10/6)
Day 9 – Deadlifts (185/125)|(135/95)(115/75)
Day 10 – Walking Lunges
Day 11 – DB Thruster
Day 12 – Bar Muscle-Ups
*Workout flows just like the Holiday song…each
day represents the number of reps. Start at Day 1
(1 rep), then do Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep) , Day
3 (3reps) + Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep)…and so
L3: (Knee Raises)(C2B)
L2: (On Ground Leg Raises)(Pull-ups/Banded Pull-ups)
L1: (Sit-ups)(Ring Rows)