A) Warm-up
1 Round of:
25 Air Squats
50 Single Unders
15 Push-ups
50 Single Unders
20 Renegade Rows
50 Double Unders or Double Under Attempts
20 Walking Lunges

B) Skill
“Goat EMOM”
EMOM 10:
ODD Mins: 1 Movement Athlete Choice
EVEN Mins: 1 Movement Athlete Choice
– Athletes will choice 2 movements that they need to work on. Usually most athletes know where their weaknesses lie, but beginners may need some guidance. Perform small sets to reinforce good movement patterns. This should NOT be a challenging EMOM.

5-6 Rounds of:
1a) 10 KB Romanian Deadlifts.
1b) Front Rack Carry x 100 Ft (53s, 35s).
1c) L-Sit x 20s.
1d) Walking Lunges x 20 Reps (Athlete choice of weight)
1e) DB Man Makers x 5 Reps
– 1 Renegade Row + 1 push-up + 1 renegade row + 1 push-ups + 1 squat clean thruster
*Score = For Quality
*25:00 Cap
Alternate Scaling Options:
– Front Rack Carry: Farmer Carry x 100 meters.
– DB Man Makers: 10 BB Row + 8 Thrusters (95, 65)