Gymnastics Skill (Repeat from last Tuesday)
Choose between one movement that will show up in this years open:
– Butterfly Pull-ups (or C2B) (There is C2B in tomorrows Metcon)
– Handstand Push-ups
– T2B
*Work on refining your skills and accumulating some low-volume work today. This work should not be too taxing or make you sore.

AMRAP 25 w. a partner:
20 SDHP (53, 35)
40 Walking Lunges (BW)
800 Meter Run or 1k Row
*One person works, but split intervals in half. No score today. Have athletes guess Friday’s Open WOD.

L3: (45, 25)
L2: (35, 25)
L1: (25, 20)