“Strongman Thursday”
– Heavy Sledpush
– Heavy Farmer Carry
– Stone to Shoulder or Overshoulder
– Logpress
*Done as AMRAP 20 with stations. Athletes can choose how much work to perform of each

*If you do not have any strongman equipment perform
Farmer Carry x 100 Meters
Heavy Slepush or Pull x 100 Meters (or 30s Max Effort Bike, Ski Erg or Row)
Bottoms-up KB Carry x 50 feet each arm

5 RFT:
21 Double Unders
15 KBS (53, 35)
9 Renegade Rows each Arm

L2: (30s of Double Under Attempts) (45, 25)
L1: (40 Single Unders) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
*Renegade row weight is athlete choice today.
15:00 Cap