With a partner:
Max Calories of Row or Assault Bike in 6 Minutes
*Each athlete completes a full 3 minutes.

“100s with a partner”
For time:
50 Calorie Row or bike
100 Russian Twists w. a plate (25, 15)
100 2 Count Mountain Climbers (both sides = 1 rep)
100 SDHP (53, 35)
100 2 Count Mountain Climbers
100 Russian Twists w. a plate
100 SDHP
50 Calorie Row or Bike
*One person works at a time.

L2: (15, 10) (45, 25)
L1: (10, 5) (35, 25)
30:00 Cap
*Alternate Scaling
50 Cal Row = 600m Run