A) Warm-up
5:00 Dynamic
Then w. PVC,
10 Pass Throughs
10 OHS
10 Around the World
10 OHS
Then w. a barbell,
10 Back Squat
10 Goodmornings
10 OHS

B) Mobility
Goblet Squat (light)
2 x 8 @3311. Rest 60s.
– 3 seconds down, 3 seconds at the bottom, 1 coming up, 1 at the top

C) Strength
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat: Work up to a heavy 2 + 2. Rest 90s-2:00
– Adv: Work up to a max
– Intermediate: Pick one weight and hit 5-6 sets with it.
– Beginner Technique Work or Snatch Grip Deadlifts, 5 x 4. Rest 2:00
*Compare to Month 2/Week 4

D) Conditioning
For time:
30 Power Snatch (115, 75)
30 Overhead Squats (115, 75)
30 Thrusters (115, 75)
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55)
L1: (65, 35)
10:00 Cap
Beginner Metcon Option:
For time:
30 Deadlifts (95, 65)
30 Front Squats (95, 65)
30 Push Press (95, 65)
10:00 Cap
*Compare to Month 2/Week 4

E) Extra Credit
100 Banded Pull-throughs or 100 Banded Leg Curls each.