A) Warm-up
5:00 Dynamic then,
X-Band Walks x 2 sets: 10 steps in each direction
Spend no more than 5:00 on this
+ 20 Walking Lunges
10 Sumo Deadlifts (empty BB)
10 Russian Swings
B) Prep
Core Activation:
Reverse Crunch + Deadbugs: 2 x 10.
*in between sets complete 3 Deadlifts adding weight. Reset one each rep.
C) Strength
Conventional Deadlift against a band: 1RM. Rest 2-3:00
– Drape band over the bar
– Higher your deadlift is the heavier band you should use.
Beginner: Work on Deadlift Technique perform sets of 5 resetting on each rep with no band.
D) Conditioning
12 Front Squats (95, 65)
9 C2B Pull-ups
L3: (75, 55) (Regular Pull-ups)
L2: (65, 35) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (45, 25) (Ring Rows)
E) Extra Credit
100 Banded Pull Throughs