A) Warm-up
Two options:
Sled Set-up + complete 2 pushes with light weight
Dynamic Circle Warm-up that includes 10 Bodyweight Movements of Choices Choice x 10 reps each”
Banded Goodmornings: 2 x 15-20. Squeeze glutes at top for 1 ct. Use a heavy-ish band for these

B) Strength
Heavy Sledpush:
5 x 20 yards, AHAP. Rest 2:00
1) Goblet Squat: 4 x 8, AHAP. Rest 90s.
2) Sumo Stance Romanian Deadlifts: 4 x 8 at a moderate/heavy weight for 4 sets. Rest 90s.

C) Conditioning
EMOM 10:
10 KBS (70, 53)
20 Double Unders
L3: (53, 35)
L2: (45, 25) (20s Double Attempts)
L1: (45, 25 Russian Swings) (20 Single Unders)

E) Extra Credit
100 Banded Leg Curls each leg
100 Banded Ab Pulldowns