Front Squat with a 2 Count Pause: 1RM. Rest 2:00
– pause for a 2 ONE Thousand at the bottom.

For time:
15 Power Cleans (135, 95)
21 C2B Pull-ups
12 Power Cleans (155, 105)
15 C2B Pull-ups
9 Power Cleans (185, 125)
9 C2B Pull-ups
14:00 Cap

Rx+:(155, 105) (185, 125) (205, 135)
L3: (115, 75) (135, 95) (155, 105) (Regular Pull-ups)
L2: (75, 55) (95, 65) (115, 75) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (65, 45) (75, 55) (95, 65) (Ring Rows)