A) Warm-up
“Burgener Warm-up w. a pvc”
1. Down and up
2. Elbows high and outside
3. Muscle snatch
4. Snatch land
5. Snatch drop
6. Squat Snatch
*Go through 5 reps of each step and explain the significance of each.

B) Mobility
Foam Roll x 10 Passes Lats Then, Start warming up for Squat Snatches working up to work weight

C) Strength
1) EMOM 6: 2 Squat Snatches @80%.
– +5% from last week
– Reset on each rep.
– Beginner: Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 Reps every minute.
Reset on each rep.

2) EMOM 6: 3 Speed Front Squats @65%
– +5% from last week
– If able to use bands use 60%

D) Conditioning
“Open WOD 14.1”
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
L3: (Clean and Jerk 75,55)
L2: (15 Double Unders) (Clean and Jerk 65,45)
L1: (30 Single Unders) (Clean and Jerk 55, 35)

E) Extra Credit
Back Extensions on GHD: 3 x 15