1) Hang Power Snatch: 4 x 3 @80%, every 90s.
2) Bench Press: Work up to heaviest weight for Metcon performing sets of 2-3 reps. Rest 60s.

”Gun Show”
For total time:
Row 1k
21 Bench Press (135, 75)
Rest 2:00
Row 750m
15 Bench Press (185, 95)
Rest 2:00
Row 500m
9 Bench Press (225, 115)
L3: (115, 75) (155, 85) (165, 95)
L2: (95, 65) (135, 75) (155, 85)
L1: (75, 55) (115, 65) (135, 75)
*Alternate Options
– Rowing = 800m run, 600m Run, 400m Run
– Bench Press: Sub Push-ups with rep scheme of 40/30-35/20-25/10