Split Jerk: 1RM. Rest 2:00
For time with an empty barbell:
75 Barbell Power Snatch (45, 35)
50 Barbell Rows
25 Barbell Thrusters
50 Barbell Rows
75 Hang Power Cleans
L2: (35, 15)
L1: (35, 15) (30 Reps per movement)
15:00 Cap
Split Jerk: 1RM. Rest 2:00
For time with an empty barbell:
75 Barbell Power Snatch (45, 35)
50 Barbell Rows
25 Barbell Thrusters
50 Barbell Rows
75 Hang Power Cleans
L2: (35, 15)
L1: (35, 15) (30 Reps per movement)
15:00 Cap