1) Speed Bench Press: 9 x 3 @50%, every 60s.
– Change Grip every 3 sets ie. close, medium, and wide grip.
– Use chains or bands if possible and drop the load to 40%.
– To see what type of speed we are looking for “speed sets” click here
2) Metcon Warm-up/Prep x 2-3 rounds of:
1a) Hang Power Clean + Push Press x 3 + 2. Rest 30s.
1b) Overhead Squat x 3. Rest 30s.
1c) T2B x 5. Rest 30s.
“Johnny Cash”
4 RFT:
15 T2B
15 Hang Power Cleans (115, 75)
15 Push Press (115, 75)
15 Box Jumps w. Step Down (24, 20)
15 Overhead Squats (115, 75)
Rx+:(135, 95)
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (Knee Lifts) (75, 55) (20, 15)
L1: (Knee Lifts) (65, 35) (20, 15 Step-ups) (53, 35 Goblet Squat for OHS)
21:00 Cap