Dear Clippers,
Baltimore City has modified the restrictions placed on gyms. Starting Friday Dec 11th, Gyms are allowed 25% capacity and individual training only.
We already operate under 25% capacity. No change there.
So, until further notice, all class times will be open gym times. The schedule remains the same.
You will still sign up for spots through Push Press. This allows us to do accurate contact tracing in the event of a positive case. Please continue to arrive and depart in a timely manner, as you have been doing.
There will be a Clipper City Staff member/coach there to answer all your questions, start the clock, monitor all happenings during open gym hours, and give you individualized coaching. A recommended workout for the day will be posted in SugarWOD and on the TV upon entering the facility.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support during this uncertain time. If you have any questions please reach out.
Clipper City Coaches