1) Jerk: 1RM. Rest 2:00
– Build to a 1RM over the course of 8-10 sets from a rack.
– Try to beat your current max by 5#
– Any style permitted
– Beginner: 10 x 3 focusing on technique. Rest 90s.
2) Pull-up Scaling: Take 5 Minutes to Review and Set-up or Review Metcon Movements (Rinn Row in place of pull-ups for people that did 18.5 yesterday).
Every 5:00 x 4 Sets:
400 Meter Run
12 S2OH (135, 95)
12 Pull-ups
*Note: If any of your athletes performed 18.5 yesterday then change Pull-ups to 15 Ring Rows per round.
*Score = split from set #3
Rx+:(5 Sets) (15 Reps each) (C2B Pull-ups)
L3: (115, 75) (8 Pull-ups per round)
L2: (95, 65) (12 Band Assisted Pull-ups per round)
L1: (65, 35 Push Press) (12 Ring Rows per round)
*Alternate Scaling
400m Run = 400m Row