1) Wide Stance Box Squat: 8 x 3 @60% of last Monday 3RM, every 60s.
– Use a 13-15” Box. If you did not perform 3RM from 5/7 use 50-55% of your Back Squat Max.
2a) Power Snatch: 3 x 3, touch n go preparing for metcon. Rest 30s.
2b) T2B: 3 x 3-5. Rest 30s.
2c) Wallballs: 2 x 10. Rest 30s.

5 Power Snatches (115, 75)
10 T2B
15 Wallballs (20, 14)

Rx+:(135, 95)
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55) (Knee Lifts) (14, 10)
L1: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts) (10, 8)
Scaling Options:
– Sub Touch n Go Deadlifts with a light to moderate weight