Hang Power Cleans: 5 x 3 @50-60%. Rest 90s.
– Work on touch n go reps today.
– Beginner: Work on technique with a light barbell resetting on each rep: 5 x 3-5. Rest 90s.
– or hang muscle cleans

For total time:
21 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)
50 Walking Lunges (BW)
500 Meter Row
Rest 2:00
21 Hang Power Cleans
50 Walking Lunges
500 Meter Row
Rest 2:00
42 Barbell Rows (135, 95)
60/50 Push-ups
500 Meter Row

L3: (115, 75)
L2: (95, 65) (Box Push-ups)
L1: (135, 95 Clean Grip Deadlifts in place of Hang Power Cleans) (400m Row per round) (Ring Rows for BB Rows) (Box Push-ups)
25:00 Cap
*Alternate Options
500m Row = 2:00 Bike